A Shifting System for Upgrading from MT to AMT Transmissions




System Benefits

  • Just a slight change of gearbox would be needed  (integration of speed sensor)
  • Short shifting times, also for multiple shiftings (e.g. from gear 4 to gear 2)
  • useful for front transverse, front longitudinal and rear transmissions with the seperated gearing and shifting shaft
  • An adapter for the central gearing and shifting shift would be possible
  • Automated setup of the gear positions and clutch touch point

Prototyp Development Stages


1.  Concept design
2.  Implementation of mechanical shifting components, control and user interface, test on test bench
3. The clutch actuator, sensor system, reduction of engine torque and prototypic control software
     for sequential mode
4. Test in vehicle
5.  Control-software for automatic-Mode




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